- Killed by Book, 2018
- Pteroptyc Tener ( Synchronous Flashing Fireflies ) #1, 2018
- Pteroptyc Tener ( Synchronous Flashing Fireflies ) #2, 2018
- Pteroptyc Tener ( Synchronous Flashing Fireflies ) #3, 2018
- Pteroptyc Tener ( Synchronous Flashing Fireflies ) #4, 2018
- Pteroptyc Tener ( Synchronous Flashing Fireflies ) #5, 2018
- Two Travellers to a River, 2018
- Raymond Tallis l on tickling, 2017
- Every day words disappear l Michael Hardt on the politics of love, 2016
- from SATIN ISLAND, 2015
- What I will, 2013
- ...because Superglue is forever!!!, 2011
- Falling fish, 2011
- Hugh Williams, 2011
- BED, 2009
- Miles, will you turn that crap down, trying to get some sleep here, 2000
- It comes it goes, 1993
- A lost cauliflower seed had germinated behind his eyeball
Johan Grimonprez
Falling fish, 2011
variable dimensions