Peter Morrens | SOLO 35: Peter Morrens - suspended at Club Solo (Breda)

5 February – 19 March 2023

The work of Peter Morrens (Belgium, 1965) is frankly explosive. With criticism and disruptive humor, he observes human existence: our daily use of language and social behavior, our existential doubts, the conventions in the art world and in political-social positions. His own creations and biographical anecdotes do not escape this critical gaze.


Morrens draws, writes and paints under various names and creates objects, publications and frequently long-term, intensive performances. He often revisits older works to deliberately break the chronology of his oeuvre. All of these aspects he brings together in large site-specific installations, in which the spectator’s perception and precise position are determining factors. The role he himself plays in his multiform, ever-changing oeuvre is that of disruptor.


Morrens is remodeling Club Solo as an exhibition venue, showing work from 15 minutes to 42 years ago.




SOLO 35: Peter Morrens - suspended

5 February – 19 March 2023
wed to sun 11.00 – 17.00
opening Sunday 5 February 15.00

side program Saturday, 25 Januari 19.00 – 21.30 hrs


Club Solo

Kloosterlaan 138

4811 EE Breda

The Netherlands



January 20, 2023